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Scala: Access optional value in optional object

Is there a good way to access a Option Value inside a Option Object? The nested match cases result in a ugly tree structure.

So if I have for example:

case class MyObject(value: Option[Int])
val optionObject : Option[MyObject] = Some(MyObject(Some(2))

The only way I know to access the value would be:

val defaultCase = 0 //represents the value when either of the two is None
optionObject match {
    case Some(o) => o.value match {
        case Some(number) => number
        case None => defaultCase
    case None => defaultCase

And this is quite ugly as this construct is just for accessing one little Option value.

What I would like to do is something like:


or like you can do with Swift:

if (val someVal = optionObject.value) {
   //if the value is something you can access it via someVal here

Is there something in Scala that allows me to handle these things nicely?



  • flatMap will let you map an Option and "flatten" the result. So if (and only if) the outer and the inner Option are both Some, you will get a Some with your value in it. You can then call getOrElse on it as you would do with any other Option.
