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Send variable from backbone view to jade template

I have the following template in my index.jade:

<script type="text/template" id="sample-template">
  a(href="<%= link.href %>") <%= link.title %>

And I have the below code in my backbone view which sends a variable called link to index.jade.

var SampleView = Backbone.View.extend({
  template: _.template($('#sample-template').html()),

  render: function() {
      link: this.model.toJSON()
    return this;

Now when I render that template I get the following output:

<a href="<%= link.href %>"> sample link

You see, I got the correct output for title variable. But the problem is with href. It doesn't print the value of link.href.


  • Finally I found out what is wrong with it. Because jade is a template engine that works with node (actually in server side), it has a lack of support in client side usage. So when you compile a jade template with underscore _.template function, you can't expect a functional template file. But there is an alternative way of sending variables from backbone view to jade template. You can create a helper function which print what ever you want in a jade template.

    var SampleView = Backbone.View.extend({
      template: _.template($('#sample-template').html()),
      render: function() {
          link: this.model.toJSON(),
          ahref: this.ahref
      return this;
      ahref: function( href, title ) {
        return '<a href=' + href + '>' + title + '</a>';

    Then I need to pass link helper function into the jade template.

    <script type="text/template" id="sample-template">
      ahref(link.href, link.title);