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Is there a language with native pass-by-reference/pass-by-name semantics, which could be used in modern production applications?

This is a reopened question.

I look for a language and supporting platform for it, where the language could have pass-by-reference or pass-by-name semantics by default. I know the history a little, that there were Algol, Fortran and there still is C++ which could make it possible; but, basically, what I look for is something more modern and where the mentioned value pass methodology is preferred and by default (implicitly assumed).

I ask this question, because, to my mind, some of the advantages of pass-by-ref/name seem kind of obvious. For example when it is used in a standalone agent, where copyiong of values is not necessary (to some extent) and performance wouldn't be downgraded much in that case. So, I could employ it in e.g. rich client app or some game-style or standalone service-kind application.

The main advantage to me is the clear separation between identity of a symbol, and its current value. I mean when there is no reduntant copying, you know that you're working with the exact symbol/path you have queried/received. And intristing boxing of values will not interfere with the actual logic of program.

I know that there is C# ref keyword, but it's something not so intristic, though acceptable. Equally, I realize that pass-by-reference semantics could be simulated in virtually any language (Java as an instant example) and so on.. not sure about pass by name :)

What would you recommend - create a something like DSL for such needs wherever it be appropriate; or use some languages that I already know? Maybe, there is something that I'm missing?

Thank you!

UPDATE: Currently, I think that Haskell would be appropriate. But I didn't investigate much, so I think I'll update this text later.


  • Haskell has call-by-need as its default (and indeed only) evaluation strategy.

    Now, you asked for two things: call-by-name and modern. Well, Haskell is a pure language and in a pure language call-by-name and call-by-need are semantically the same thing, or more precisely they always have the same result, the only difference being that call-by-need is usually faster and at worst only a constant factor slower than call-by-name. And Haskell surely is a modern language: it is merely 23 years old and in many of its features it is actually 10 years ahead of many languages that were created just recently.

    The other thing you asked about is call-by-reference. Again, in a pure language, call-by-value and call-by-reference are the same thing, except that the latter is faster. (Which is why, even though most functional languages are usually described as being call-by-value, they actually implement call-by-reference.)

    Now, call-by-name (and by extension call-by-need) are not the same thing as call-by-value (and by extension call-by-reference), because call-by-name may return a result in cases where call-by-value doesn't terminate.

    However, in all cases where call-by-value or call-by-reference terminates, in a pure language, call-by-value, call-by-reference, call-by-name and call-by-need are the same thing. And in cases where they are not the same thing, call-by-name and call-by-need are in some sense "better", because they give you an answer in cases where call-by-value and call-by-reference would basically have run into an infinite loop.

    Ergo, Haskell is your answer. Although probably not the one you were looking for :-)