I'm trying to deploy jbpm 6.2.0 on kie-workbench in tomcat7
In jbpm documentation it says:
From the workbench distribution zip, take the kie-wb-*.war that corresponds to your application server:
jboss-as7: tailored for JBoss AS 7 (which is being renamed to WildFly in version 8)
tomcat7: the generic war, works on Tomcat and Jetty
I just can´t find the workbench distribution zip, googling I found this: github repository, but It contains a lot of Maven projects with no instructions to build the wars.
Also I found in maven central an artifact with the following description:
This module builds the download wars for different application servers.
But still I don´t know how to use it to create the war file.
Take a look at https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public-jboss/org/kie/kie-wb-distribution-wars/6.2.0.Final/
You might want to follow installation instructions here as well: https://github.com/droolsjbpm/kie-wb-distributions/blob/master/kie-wb/kie-wb-distribution-wars/src/main/assembly/tomcat7/README.txt