I'm building a RESTful API using flask-restful
and have run into a small issue.
Essentially, I need to ensure that certain methods only work if a required parameter is provided, while certain others work only if a parameter is not provided.
For instance:
from flask import jsonify
from flask.ext import restful
api = restful.Api()
class TestResource(restful.Resource):
def get(self, some_id=None):
'''GET takes an optional parameter'''
if some_id:
return jsonify(something1)
return jsonify(something2)
def post(self):
'''POST doesn't take any params'''
#do stuff
return jsonify(something3)
def put(self, some_id):
'''PUT has a mandatory argument'''
#do stuff
return jsonify(something4)
restful.add_resource(TestResource, '/testresource/', '/testresource/<string:some_id>')
Now, requests.get('http://mydomain.tld/testresource')
and requests.get('http://mydomain.tld/testresource/1')
will both work fine, but requests.post('http://mydomain.tld/testresource/1')
will cause a Python error (TypeError: post() takes only 1 argument (2 given)
), which causes flask-restful
to return a HTTP 500
While I can have an optional parameter for all methods and handle this inside each one, this seems like such a common use-case that it seems likely that flask-restful
already has a solution built-in for this.
How do I handle per-method routes using flask-restful
The way I have tackled this in the past is create 2 resources:
api.add_resource(TestResrouces, '/testresource/')
api.add_resource(TestResource, '/testresource/<string: some_id>')
you will then need to create 2 classes. Then put your get/post/put code into functions etc...
class TestResrouces(restful.Resource):
def get(self):
response = some_function()
class TestResrouces(restful.Resrouce):
def get(self, some_id):