I am trying to get the long double out of an array.
long double num;
char * pEnd;
char line[] = {5,0,2,5,2,2,5,4,5,.,5,6,6};
num = strtold(line1, &pEnd);
For some reason the num i am getting is rounded to 502522545.6 I am quite new to C++ so is there something i am doing wrong ? What needs to be done to get the entire number in the num instead of the rounded up?
Thank you for the help !!!
Sorry that's my first post here =)
So the entire program code is as following :
class Number
long double num ;
char line[19], line2[19];
int i, k;
void getData()
i = 0;
char ch= 'a';
cout << "\nPlease provide me with the number: ";
while ((ch = _getche()) != '\r')
line[i] = ch;
line2[i] = ch;
void printData() const
cout << endl;
cout << "Printing like an Array: ";
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
cout << line[j];
cout << "\nModified Array is: ";
for (int j = 0; j < (i-k); j++)
cout << line2[j];
cout << "\nTHe long Double is: " << num;
void getLong()
char * pEnd;
k = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
if (line2[j+k] == ',')
line2[j] = line2[j + k];
line2[j] = line2[j + k];
line2[i -k] = line2[19];
num = strtold(line2, &pEnd);
int main()
Number num;
char ch = 'a';
while (ch != 'n')
cout << "\nWould you like to enter another number ? (y/n)";
cin >> ch;
return 0;
The idea is that the number entered is in the following format ($50,555,355.67) or any other number. The program then removes all signs apart of numbers and "." Then i tried to get the long double num out of an array. If you run the program you always get the rounded number from num.
Theres probably a more C++ way, but sscanf will work:
const char *str = "3.1459";
long double f;
sscanf(str, "%Lf", &f);