I built a multiplayer game which works perfectly on my iPhone 5s played against the simulator. But whenever I try to play from my 5s against an iPhone 5, there are some problems.
The game sends two values to the other player: score and level.
In case the iPhone 5s sends the values: iPhone 5 thinks score = 0 and level = the value we sent as the score.
typedef struct {
NSUInteger score;
NSUInteger level;
} MessageNewScore;
- (void)sendData:(NSData *)data {
NSError *error;
GameKitHelper *gameKitHelper = [GameKitHelper sharedGameKitHelper];
BOOL success = [gameKitHelper.match sendDataToAllPlayers:data withDataMode:GKMatchSendDataReliable error:&error];
if (!success) {
NSLog(@"Error sending data:%@", error.localizedDescription);
// Run on iPhone 5s
- (void)sendNewScore:(NSUInteger)score level:(NSUInteger)level{
NSLog(@"score: %lu", (unsigned long)score); // E.g. 1930
NSLog(@"level: %lu", (unsigned long)level); // E.g. 7
MessageNewScore messageNewScore;
messageNewScore.message.messageType = kMessageTypeNewScore;
messageNewScore.score = score;
messageNewScore.level = level;
NSData *data = [NSData dataWithBytes:&messageNewScore
[self sendData:data];
NSLog(@"score: %lu", (unsigned long)messageNewScore.score); // 1930
NSLog(@"level: %lu", (unsigned long)messageNewScore.level); // 7
// Run on iPhone 5
- (void)match:(GKMatch *)match didReceiveData:(NSData *)data fromPlayer:(NSString *)playerID {
MessageNewScore *messageNewScore = (MessageNewScore*)[data bytes];
NSLog(@"score: %lu", (unsigned long)messageNewScore->score); // According to iPhone 5 this is 0
NSLog(@"level: %lu", (unsigned long)messageNewScore->level); // According to iPhone 5 this is 1930
[_delegate enemysScoreReceived:messageNewScore->score level:messageNewScore->level];
In the last case, the values from logging in sendNewScore::
are correct and in didReceiveData::
are wrong.
I figured this could have something to do with the 64-bit processor in the 5s, but not sure how to fix this.
The iPhone 5 uses uses an Apple A6 (32-bit), the iPhone 5S an Apple A7 (64-bit) processor.
You need to encode/decode NSData
that is sent between players in a portable representation, such as can be obtained with NSKeyedArchiver
for encoding/decoding NSInteger
s, etc. You are currently sending struct
s whose representation is processor-specific.