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What is the difference between my codes when I use 'dynamic' to use AsQueryable method?

At first,I do not use dynamic,I just use the code like this,and it works well.

  List<Student> result2 = StudentRepository.GetStudent(sex,age).ToList();
  IQueryable rows2 = result2.AsQueryable();

But when I change it to dynamic,it is wrong.

 dynamic result = GetPeopleData(sex,age);
 IQueryable rows = result.AsQueryable();

and I add a method like this,I build the project it show that List do not have the AsQueryable method.How to change it?

 private dynamic GetPeopleData(int sex, int age)
            return StudentRepository.GetStudent(sex,age).ToList();
            return TeacherRepository.GetTeacher(sex, age).ToList();


  • AsQueryable() is an extension method and those don't work on dynamic.

    Depending on what you want to do, there are several possible solutions:

    1. Don't use dynamic. Instead, make Student and Teacher implement a common interface (say, IPerson) and use that:

      private IReadOnlyList<IPerson> GetPeopleData(int sex, int age)
          if (sex > 30)
              return StudentRepository.GetStudent(sex, age).ToList();
              return TeacherRepository.GetTeacher(sex, age).ToList();
      var result = GetPeopleData(sex, age);
      IQueryable<IPerson> rows = result2.AsQueryable();
    2. Call AsQueryable() as a normal static method:

      dynamic result = GetPeopleData(sex, age);
      IQueryable rows = Queryable.AsQueryable(result);

    BTW, checking whether sex is over 30 doesn't make any kind of sense to me. You should probably rethink that part of your design.