I have a XPage with design element. How can I get list of checked rows to post it to an agent?
<xe:dataView id="dataView1" columnTitles="true"
expandedDetail="true" var="dview1"
openDocAsReadonly="false" rows="15" showCheckbox="true"
Thank you!
For the client-side, you can use Dojo. The following CSJS script will return NoteIds for all selected rows:
dojo.query(".lotusFirstCell > input:checked").attr('value')
For the server side, you can grab the IDs of selected documents by:
var idList = getComponent("dataView1").getSelectedIds();
This will return a string array of NoteIDs. Then pass it to an in-memory document and call the agent.
var doc = database.createDocument();
doc.replaceItemValue("IDList", IDList);
var agent:NotesAgent=database.getAgent("SomeAgent");