I have the following:
elem :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool
elem _ [] = False
elem x (y:ys) = x == y || elem x ys
How can I prove that for all x's y's and z's...
elem z (xs ++ ys) == elem z xs || elem z ys
I attempted to make the left side equivalent to the right side, however none of my attempts have been fruitful.
L.S elem z (x:xs ++ y:ys) = z==x || z==y || elem xs || elem ys
R.S elem z (x:xs) || elem z (y:ys) = z==x || z==y || elem xs || elem ys
Can someone help me out?
Equational reasoning is fun! You'll get the knack of it pretty quickly, if you do a few proofs yourself. I warmly recommend ch. 13 of Graham Hutton's Programming in Haskell for a concise introduction.
Anyway, you can prove that, for all equatable and finite (see Tom Ellis's answer) xs
, ys
and z
elem z (xs ++ ys) == elem z xs || elem z ys
by induction on list xs
. For that, you need to use the definitions of ++
, ||
, and elem
, and use the fact that ||
is associative:
[] ++ ys = ys
(x:xs) ++ ys = x : (xs ++ ys)
False || b = b
True || _ = True
elem _ [] = False
elem x (y:ys) = x == y || elem x ys
Let ys
be a value of type Eq a => [a]
, and z
a value of type Eq a => a
; then we have
elem z ([] ++ ys)
= {applying ++}
elem z ys
= {unapplying ||}
False || elem z ys
= {unapplying elem}
elem z [] || elem z ys
Let xs
, ys
be values of type Eq a => [a]
, and x
, z
values of type Eq a => a
. Assume (induction hypothesis) that
elem z (xs ++ ys) == elem z xs || elem z ys
Then we have
elem z ((x:xs) ++ ys)
= {applying ++)
elem z (x : (xs ++ ys))
= {applying elem}
z == x || elem (xs ++ ys)
= {induction hypothesis}
z == x || (elem z xs || elem z ys)
= {associativity of ||}
(z == x || elem z xs) || elem z ys
= {unapplying elem}
elem z (x:xs) || elem z ys