Here is an excerpt from my code:
pg_search_scope :dynamic_fuzzy_search, -> (field, qry){
raise ArgumentError unless searchable_fields.include?(field)
:against => field,
:query => qry,
:using => {:trigram => {:threshold => 0.05}}
pg_search_scope :fuzzy_search, -> (qry){
raise ArgumentError unless true
:against => searchable_fields,
:query => qry,
:using => {:trigram => {:treshold => 0.05}}
And here is the SQL generated from the code and the results:2.0.0-p353 :073 >
> MetaData.dynamic_fuzzy_search(:species,'rat').size
(2.0ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "meta_data" WHERE ((similarity((coalesce("meta_data"."species"::text, '')), 'rat') >= 0.05))
=> 1170
> MetaData.fuzzy_search('rat').size
(7.9ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "meta_data" WHERE (((coalesce("meta_data"."experiment"::text, '') || ' ' || coalesce("meta_data"."species"::text, '') || ' ' || coalesce("meta_data"."strain"::text, '') || ' ' || coalesce("meta_data"."sex"::text, '') || ' ' || coalesce("meta_data"."diet"::text, '') || ' ' || coalesce("meta_data"."previous_diet"::text, '') || ' ' || coalesce("meta_data"."surgeon"::text, '') || ' ' || coalesce("meta_data"."pharm_treatment"::text, '')) % 'rat'))
=> 4
As you can see, the first search scoped against a single field generates 1170 records, while the second search which is scoped against all allowable fields only returns 4 records. I'm not a PostgreSQL expert, but it seems to me like the two should return the same number of records.
Also, the proc is used in the 'fuzzy_search' because otherwise the 'searchable_fields' method generates an error. This is a known issue: open issue
To answer your question directly:
The first query is returning more results because it's different.
To be more specific: the query is less strict.
Since you can see the SQL you should look at the similarity and coalesce functions to see what they do.