#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct urunler {
int kod;
char Ad[16];
int stok;
float fiyat;
void urunTara(struct urunler* inputs,int *amount);
int main()
struct urunler Urun[50];
int amount = 0;
void urunTara(struct urunler *inputs,int *amount){
char Temp[150];
FILE *fPtr;
fPtr = fopen("urunler.txt","r");
if(fPtr == NULL){
printf("File not found!");
} else {
sscanf(Temp,"%d %s %d %f",&(inputs[*amount].kod),inputs[*amount].Ad,&(inputs[*amount].stok),&(inputs[*amount].fiyat));
I am relatively new to C, and just started learning about structs. The text file contains these:
25 televizyon 1000 150.25
40 video 500 25.45
50 plazma 75 2300.50
76 dvd 20000 90.00
85 supurge 700 110.75
90 buzluk 250 10.00
95 teyp 1250 8.99
The problem i have here is with the sscanf. When i do all these inside the main function, it works great. However when i try to do it in the function urunTara something goes wrong with the sscanf statement and the program stops working. I successfully passed values to &(inputs[*amount].kod) and other adresses by using scanf. But can't understand what's the problem with this sscanf statement.
is similar to
which means dereference amount
and then increment amount
to the element after that.
Which is not correct.
Change *amount++;
to (*amount)++;
, which will increment the dereferenced value.