I am working in a project of around 50k files, of which I am only modifying a few of them. I have the project locally in my computer and I am using Gitorious to push the changes I make to it, but as for now I have to manually look for the changed files and I don't want to miss any of them.
Therefore, I would like to add all my project to the index, so after that GIT can tell me what changes I have made. The problem is that I don't want to commit and push all the project afterwards, but only the modified files. Is it possible?
Example: I modified 14 files in the project, so I would like to push these 14 files. I don't want miss any of them, so I would like GIT to tell me what files have been modified.
I see an approach with several steps:
git add . # to index all files
[.. do you changes ..]
git diff --name-only > list
# file list of modified files compared to index
# stored into a file called 'list'
git reset HEAD # to unstage all files
git add `cat list` # to stage all files you have previously modified
This works as to what I understand from your question.