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Client-side transform EDN to JSON (Datomic data consumed by HTML5 app)

I'm implementing basic end-to-end functionality from an HTML5 app to a Datomic database. The first port-of-call is to have the client make an AJAX call directly to the Datomic REST API (

The problem that needs to be solved with this approach is that the data comes back in EDN whereas the client application wants to use JSON.

I can see there are possible ways of doing it using Javascript on the client, for example, use some library code to do translate the EDN (as an example, I found jsedn -

Does anyone have experience of doing something that worked like this, using Javascript? Alternatively, is it more generally accepted that EDN to JSON should be done in the Clojure/Clojurescript arena (client- or server-side) such as outlined in ?



[Edit 04-Mar-15 - a clarification: By client-side Clojurescript I'm thinking of something like taking CLJS code that transforms EDN to JSON, compiling it down to JS then using it as a client side library.]


  • Nothing against the jsedn project you mention, but it hasn't seen a commit in two years and has a couple long-standing issues/PR's that haven't been taken care of: I'd be weary of relying on it.

    You could easily acheive what you're after by creating a new clojurescript project and ^:export-ing a single function that parses incoming edn and spits out JS objects (because there is no good reason to deserialise edn, serialize it to JSON, then deserialise it again!):

    (ns app.edn (:require [cljs.reader :as r]))
    (defn ^:export read-edn [s]
      (let [data (r/read-string s)]
        ; Log/prettify for JS/whatever
        (clj->js data)))

    Compile it, require the file in your JS, and it'll be available at app.edn.read_edn().