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Wat is the difference between static notification and dynamic notification?

Wat is the difference between static notification and dynamic notification? could anyone help me


  • Notifications come in 2 flavours Short and Long (as per iOS 8.2). The Long ones can be Static or Dynamic. All of them have a system "Dismiss" button.

    Short You can't customise these at all. They show your app logo, the title of the notification payload and your app name.

    Long - Static You can customise these on the Storyboard. You can't add buttons directly on the Storyboard but you can have them if defined properly on the Notification payload (.apns file). You can add images if they are in the bundle only.

    Long - Dynamic Everything Static ones can do but you have here the chance to update the UI elements with new data not coming on the Notification payload or even update the UI elements like graphics from the hosted app (maybe a map screenshot). Again, you can't put buttons from the Storyboard but you can have them if defined on the Notification payload. Try to avoid using these if you can do what you want with Static ones as the Watch will default to Static ones in some cases (low battery...)