how to retrieve duplicate records and delete them in table A, also insert these retrieved duplicate records in another table B (in postgres db)
SQL query's are required for my project.
To delete duplicates without having a unique column you can use the ctid
virtual column which is essentially the same thing as the rowid
in Oracle:
delete from table_A t1
where ctid <> (select min(t2.ctid)
from table_A t2
where t1.unique_column = t2.unique_column);
You can use the returning
clause to get the deleted rows and insert them into the other table:
with deleted as (
delete from table_A x1
where ctid <> (select min(t2.ctid)
from table_A t2
where t1.unique_column = t2.unique_column);
returning *
insert into table_B (col_1, col_2)
select unique_column, some_other_column
from deleted;
If you further want to see those deleted rows, you can throw in another CTE:
with deleted as (
delete from table_A x1
where ctid <> (select min(t2.ctid)
from table_A t2
where t1.unique_column = t2.unique_column);
returning *
), moved as (
insert into table_B (col_1, col_2)
select unique_column, some_other_column
from deleted
returning *
select *
from moved;