domino version 9.0.1 designer version 9.0.1
(I changed the text of the stack trace slightly to take the customer out of the picture.)
Every once in a while in a developmental environment, I have been getting the following stacktrace in the server log:
> 7.01.2014 17:01:13 HTTP JVM: File access error:
> Error while getting information on item $FileData
> 17.01.2014 17:01:13 HTTP JVM: Note item not found. For more detailed information, please consult error-log-0.xml located in
> c:/Domino/data/domino/workspace/logs
> 17.01.2014 17:01:13 HTTP JVM: Managedbean DatabaseController could not be created Can't instantiate class:
> 'de.holistic.cust.epr.EprDatabaseController'..
> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: class
> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
> de.holistic.cust.epr.EprDatabaseController. For more de
> 17.01.2014 17:01:13 HTTP JVM: ailed information, please consult error-log-0.xml located in c:/Domino/data/domino/workspace/logs
> 17.01.2014 17:01:13 HTTP JVM:$ExtendedServletException:
> Error while executing
> JavaScript computed expression
the following from the xml log file does not show any of the promised extra information File access error: Error while getting information on item $FileData Note item not found
This exception is also sometimes coupled with a SecurityException.
1. Resigning the database does not do anything
2. changing the classes and xpages and resaving sometimes fixed the issue once, or it was just the time it took me to try that
3. restarting the HTTP task / server never makes a differance
4. cleaning and building does not do a thing.
After google searching for the issue, some people have had this issue while storing their java classes in the java area of the "normal designer" perspective. I have my java code in a custom source folder "WebContent/WEB-INF/src".
Is anyone else having/had this issue? If so, how can it be best resolved? Is this a bug in the XPage implementation? I have not had this issue with java classes in a jar file, only when the source code needs to be compiled. Although it is a possibility to deliver the application with jar files instead of raw classes, it is impractical in a developmental setting. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The compiled java class is stored in the $FileData item of the design note in which the java source is saved. So the error means the compiled code is lost and not generated by the server. Below are something that I think might help to debug this issue.