When trying to create a table with a Boolean field, I've come across a Derby error that prompts me to update the database version from 10.3 to 10.7. I've found this question which apparently contains the solution:
Tables for entities with boolean fields not created
but I can't see the syscs_get_database_property procedure in the syscs_util database. I've taken a quick look to Derby docs and I haven't found any reference to "update" or "version" in them.
I can't/don't want to rename/lose the database just to get the database updated, like the other thread proposes to fix the problem; also, I don't use JPA to create the schema. Is there any way to actually update the database (whichever that means)? I'm using the latest Java SE 8 Java DB/Derby JARs in NetBeans, defined as a library used in my desktop application, just changed from Java SE 7.
To upgrade your database to a newer version, follow the documentation here: http://db.apache.org/derby/docs/10.11/devguide/cdevupgrades.html