I call the function below using an NSTimer, and I want that when the countdown is done, a sound is triggered. I managed to do both in active mode and background using the codes below. Now I wanted to wrap them in a if statement, which depends on the app state but it always triggers the else
func CountDown() {
Timer -= 1
CountDownLabel.text = MakeTimeLabel()
ProgressCircle.strokeEnd = 1-(CGFloat(Timer/Test))
if Timer == -1 {
if UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification == true {
let soundnotification = UILocalNotification()
soundnotification.soundName = "Boxing.wav"
println("timer is done in background mode")
} else {
// Load Sound
soundlocation = NSBundle.mainBundle().URLForResource("Boxing", withExtension: "wav")!
player = AVAudioPlayer(contentsOfURL: soundlocation, error: &Error)
player.volume = 1
// Play Sound
println("timer is done in active mode")
Thanks in advance
This is because you are comparing String "UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification" with Boolean value "true". This will always be evaluated "false".
I believe you need to compare:
UIApplication.sharedApplication().applicationState == UIApplicationState.Background