I see the following code within a Unit Test for a controller that I have inherited from others:
when: "When the controller executes a registration"
then: "the signup should show registration again"
1 * controller.cService.getRegions() >> []
1 * controller.dService.chkAvail(_) >> "AVAILABLE"
1 * controller.uService.createUser(_) >> { a-> throw new RuntimeException("Roll me back!")}
1 * controller.pService.registerPayMethod(_) >> { cc-> true }
view == "/signUp/su"
I understand the basics of spock unit tests, but I don't understand these 1 *
I am also getting multiple errors such as:
junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Too few invocations for:
1 * controller.cService.getRegions() >> [] (0 invocations)
Unmatched invocations (ordered by similarity):
You are telling Spock, that the method in question has to be invoked exactly once (1 * controller.cService.getRegions() >> []
means, getRegions
of this service has to be called once (1 *
) and will return an empty list (>> []
)). But it hasn't. This is what the error message is telling you (0 invocations