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How to do this in VB 2010 (C# to VB conversion)

I would like to have the following to be translated to VB 2010 (with advanced syntaxes)

     submitOperation =>
              loadOperation =>
                 var results = _domainContext.Customers.Where(
                         entity => !loadOperation.Entities.Contains(entity)).ToList();

                 results.ForEach( enitity => _domainContext.Customers.Detach(entity));
              }, null);
      }, null);

I managed to get the above with other ways (but not using anonymous methods). I would like to see all the advanced syntaxes available in VB 2010 to be applied to the above.

Can anyone help me on this?



  • _domainContext.SubmitChanges(
                    Dim results = _domainContnext.Customers.Where(
                                    Function(entity) Not loadOperation.Entities.Contains(entity)) _
                    results.ForEach(Sub(entity) _domainContext.Customers.Detach(entity))
                End Sub,
        End Sub, Nothing)

    I obviously couldn't put that into a compiler, but that should get you in the right direction. Basically, anywhere you see a => in the C#, you will replace with an inline Sub or Function depending on if a value needs to be returned. If there are braces in the C# lambda, you will end up with a multi-line Sub/Function in VB. Note that you can only do this in VB2010 as VB08 did not support Sub lambdas or multi-line Function lambdas.