I use this sdk: http://altbeacon.github.io/android-beacon-library/samples.html My app already detect all beacons (AprilBeacons), I can get all info from beacon. BUT I should change major\minor, etc. fields and I don't know How to connect to beacon and save new data.
I create new beacon builder like:
Beacon changedBeac = new Beacon.Builder()
.setDataFields(Arrays.asList(new Long[]{0l}))
So How to send new beacon information to selected beacon?
Unfortunately, the library will not work to do this.
The problem is that there is no standard for configuring identifiers of hardware beacons, only for detecting beacons and transmitting beacons. Every hardware beacon manufacturer has a different way of configuring beacon identifiers. Some manufacturers have an app that configures identifiers, some have a proprietary SDK. Some manufacturers do not allow it at all.
If you wish to configure an April Beacon, check with the manufacturer for instructions.
The APIs you mention above are designed to make an Android 5+ device transmit as a beacon. They do not configure external hardware beacons.