I am trying to iterate over a boost property tree. The docs state that
You can get an ordered view of all children by using ordered_begin() and ordered_end().
However, when I write
for ( boost::property_tree::ptree::const_assoc_iterator it =
it != myPropTree.ordered_end();
it++ )
The compiler complains
error: 'boost::property_tree::ptree' has no member named 'ordered_end'
boost v1.55 mingw code::blocks
assoc_iterator ordered_begin();
Returns an iterator to the first child, in key order.
const_assoc_iterator ordered_begin() const;
Returns an iterator to the first child, in key order.
assoc_iterator not_found();
Returns the not-found iterator. Equivalent to end() in a real associative container.
const_assoc_iterator not_found() const;
Returns the not-found iterator. Equivalent to end() in a real associative container.
So basically theordered_end
function is called not_found