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Fortran runtime warning: temporary array

I get the fortran runtime warning "An array temporary was created" when running my code (compiled with gfortran) and I would like to know if there is a better way to solve this warning.

My original code is something like this:

do i=1,lsign
call combflx_calc(flx_est(i,:),flx_err(i,:))

Inside the subroutine I define the variables like this:

subroutine combflx_calc(flx_est,flx_err)
use,intrinsic              :: ISO_Fortran_env, only: real64
implicit none
real(real64),intent(inout) :: flx_est(3),flx_err(3)

flux_est and flx_err vectors may change inside the subroutine depending on several conditions and I need to update their values accordingly.

Fortran does not seem to like this structure. I can solve it defining temporary variables:

call combflx_calc(tmp_flx_est,tmp_flx_err)

But it seems to me quite a silly way to fix it.

As you may see I'm not an expert with Fortran, so any help is more than welcome.


  • One way is to pass an assumed shape array

    real(real64),intent(inout) :: flx_est(:),flx_err(:)

    the other is to exchange the dimensions of your array, so that you can pass a contiguous section of the 2D array.

    call combflx_calc(flx_est(:,i),flx_err(:,i))

    The problem is that the explicit size dummy arguments of your procedure (var(n)) require contiguous arrays. The assumed shape arrays can have some stride.