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How to make a long live Picasa token (or general Google oAuth 2.0 enabled services) using Python?

Got to say, I am not that clear how to use oAuth 2.0 with Picasa API version 2. From the Google doc itself, (cmiiw), I got the impression that Picasa API version 1 was deprecated, which means Python gdata for Picasa (that only support version 1), is simply useless.

Therefore, I develop my own class using the rudimentary Picasa documentation. But, I found that the token generated is very short lived: user got to reauthenticate him/herself again. Can we make user only reauthenticate one, and somehow the token got refreshed automatically if it's expired?

This is my oAuth class that I develop to solve this Picasa problem. Would love to have suggestion on how to fix this class to allow a long term lived token

class OAuth():
Simplify oauth process
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
    self.client_secret_file = kwargs.get('client_secret_file')
    self.token_location = os.path.join(kwargs.get('token_location'), kwargs.get('token_filename'))
    self.scope = kwargs.get('scope')
    self.credentials = None

def is_authenticated(self):
    storage = Storage(self.token_location)
    self.credentials = storage.get()
    authenticated = self.credentials is not None and not self.credentials.invalid
    Logger.debug('oAuth: authenticated = %s' % authenticated)
    return authenticated

def authenticate(self):
    if self.scope is None:
        Logger.error('oauth: please specify scope')

    missing_message = '''
    WARNING: Please configure OAuth 2.0
    To make this code run you will need to populate the client_secrets.json file
    found at: %s
    with information from the Developers Console
    For more information about the client_secrets.json file format, please visit:
    ''' % self.client_secret_file

    flow = flow_from_clientsecrets(self.client_secret_file,

    # ca_certs_file = os.path.join('cacert.pem')
    flags = argparser.parse_args()
    storage = Storage(self.token_location)
    self.credentials = run_flow(flow, storage, flags)#, http=httplib2.Http(ca_certs=ca_certs_file))

EDITED: I add my solution here.

def get_album_list(self):
    if self._album_list is not None:
        return self._album_list

    http = httplib2.Http(ca_certs=os.environ['REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE'])
    http = self.oauth.credentials.authorize(http)
    response, album_list = http.request(Picasa.PHOTOS_URL, 'GET')

    if response['status'] == '403':
        response, album_list = http.request(Picasa.PHOTOS_URL, 'GET')
    album_list = json.load(StringIO(album_list))

    self._album_list = {}
    for e in album_list['feed']['entry']:
        album_id = unicode(e['id']['$t'].split('/')[9]).split('?')[0]
        self._album_list[e['title']['$t']] = album_id
    return self._album_list


  • There are two types of tokens: access token and refresh token. Your application should receive both when a user grants you an access for the first time.


    It is important to save refresh token for further use. When the first access token expired you have to use the refresh token to obtain a new one.

    Also consider using