I have found from different blogs that it is strongly recommended to use htmlspecialchars()
to output any data on screen to be safe from XSS Attack
I am using filter_input()
to filter any data that comes from user before inserting into database
. filter_input()
convert special characters like '
to '
and saved it that way,like
I'm going to shopping with Molly's sister;Dolly
.My question is
How can I print(output) apostrope or quotes and specific special characters to users screen using htmlspecialchars so that the output would be user friendly
I have tried to use htmlspecialchars($post,ENT_NOQUOTES);
,but it gives me same copy of data that is stored in database.If I don't use htmlspecialchars()
,just $post
gives me expected result,which I think is vulnerable to XSS Attack
Thanks for your time,and look forward to get help from peers.
I got suggestions to use htmlspecialchars_decode()
or html_entity_decode()
on answer,but
and some other suggested not to use these functions
to output data on screen.
Please be informed that I am using prepared statement
and parameterized query
.But I don't want to keep any security holes,that's why filtering data before sending into database.
As I have used filter_input()
to filter data before sending to database,is it safe to output data directly($post=$posted_data;
) from database without using htmlspecialchars
If I must need to use htmlspecialchars
to output data,then how can I do it in this case?
Code Sample
/*Inserting into database*/
if(isset($_POST['titlex']) && isset($_POST['pricex']) && isset($_POST['detailx'])){
$query2="INSERT INTO `hotel1`.`dine` (user_id,title,price,detail) VALUES (?,?,?,?)";
mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt1, "isis", $logged_id, $tit, $pri, $det);
/*Get Data from DB*/
$query1="SELECT id101,title,price,detail FROM `hotel1`.`dine` WHERE user_id=?";
mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt1, "i", $user_idx);
mysqli_stmt_bind_result($stmt1, $id101, $title,$price, $detail);
$title=$title; //htmlspecialchars needed
$price=$price; //htmlspecialchars needed
$detail=$detail; //htmlspecialchars needed
I am using
to filter any data that comes from user before inserting intodatabase
This is a bad practice. Do not mangle your data before you insert it into a database. It's 2015; don't sanitize, use prepared statements instead.
$db = new \PDO(
// other stuff in between
$statement = $db->prepare(
"INSERT INTO yourtable (email, username) VALUES (:email, :username);"
$success = $statement->execute([
':email' => $_POST['email'],
':username' => $_POST['username']
Prepared statements remove the need for filter_input()
. You're not adding defense in depth by doing this, you're just ruining data integrity and giving yourself a headache.
When you render your output, if you want to allow HTML, use HTML Purifier.
Otherwise, use htmlspecialchars($output, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5, 'UTF-8')
for best results.
Recommended Reading: Web Application Security by Taylor Hornby.