I want to show a few notifications when the API returns certain codes in the response.. after some research I chose this module but I would like to be able to use these in a responseInterceptor in Restangular. Here is my current interceptor..
RestangularProvider.setErrorInterceptor(function (response) {
if (response.status !== 0) {
return debouncedReportError(response);
toastr.options = {
'closeButton': true,
'debug': true,
'positionClass': 'toast-top-full-width',
'onclick': null,
'showDuration': '200',
'hideDuration': '300',
'timeOut': '200000',
'extendedTimeOut': '1000',
'showEasing': 'swing',
'hideEasing': 'linear',
'showMethod': 'fadeIn',
'hideMethod': 'fadeOut'
reportError = function (response) {
var errorOutput;
if (response.status==403 && response.data.error.code>20000){
Notification.success('Success notification');
if (typeof response.data === 'string') {
return toastr.error('An Error occured: ' + response.statusText, 'Error: ' + response.status);
} else if (response.data.error_message != null) {
return toastr.error('' + response.data.error_message, 'Error: ' + response.status);
} else if (response.data.error && response.data.error.errors != null && !_(response.data.error.errors).isEmpty()) {
errorOutput = _(response.data.error.errors).reduce(function (memo, value, index) {
return memo + value;
}, '');
return toastr.error('' + errorOutput, 'Error: ' + response.status);
} else if (response.data.error && response.data.error.message != null) {
return toastr.error('' + response.data.error.message, 'Error: ' + response.status);
} else {
return toastr.error('An error occured on the back end.', 'Error ' + response.status);
return debouncedReportError = _.debounce(reportError, 2000, true);
I am unable to insert the required service 'Notification'.. any help is much appreciated. Thanks guys.
as per this link, you can configure restangular in run method as well, so then you can configure it like below
.run(function(Restangular, Notification) {
function(response) {
return elem;
though example shows you request-interceptor, you can configure any interceptor in this way...