I applied a query extender to my text box for three fields. Its Working but it is case sensitive. e.g. if a username field is having a name "AWAIS" and i search for "awais" , it does not search and vice virsa. How can i remove sensitivity ?
My Code is
<asp:LinqDataSource ID="LinqDataSource1" runat="server" ContextTypeName="BookStore.Bussines.Entities.BookStoreEntities"
<asp:QueryExtender ID="qeSearch" runat="server" TargetControlID="LinqDataSource1">
<asp:SearchExpression DataFields="DISTRIBUTOR_NAME,DISTRIBUTOR_CODE,DISTRIBUTOR_URL" SearchType="Contains">
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="txtSearchDistributor" />
According to the documentation:
Case sensitivity in the search expression depends on the LINQ provider that you specify in the QueryExtender control.
If the LINQ provider that you use in the QueryExtender control supports case sensitivity, you can use the ComparisonType property to enable or ignore case sensitivity.
Another Possibility - Database Collation
Perhaps your database is set up to be case sensitive. Some links if you're using SQL Server.