Search code examples

Is the default CQ5 Search Configuration incorrect?

i need to optimize the CQ5 lucene indexing configuration for my application.

I want to provide a custom search configuration but i struggle to really understand the default configuration.


First question: Are the "include"-tags used in the default configuration correct?

For example:

The default configuration uses the tag "include" to include the Property "jcr:content/jcr:lastModified" for the nt:file-Aggregate

<aggregate primaryType="nt:file">

Compare this to the Jackrabbit wiki which uses the "include-property" for the exact same case. Source:

<aggregate primaryType="nt:file">

I only can assume it doesn't matter but i can't find any source to confirm this.

Second question: for the nodeType "cq:PageContent" all properties of four levels are aggregated.

<aggregate primaryType="cq:PageContent">

I assume that because of the aggregation all properties are indexed which are contained within these 4 levels.

Or do i must consider the index rules for the nodeType nt:base which basicly only includes properties which are matching the pattern ".:.".

<index-rule nodeType="nt:base">
  <property nodeScopeIndex="false">analyticsProvider</property>
  <property nodeScopeIndex="false">analyticsSnippet</property>
  <property isRegexp="true">.*:.*</property>

Best regards


  • The default configuration is ideed incorrect as confirmed by the Adobe CQ5 Support.

    For the aggegate to work correctly properties must be included by the "include-property"-Tag

    So the default search configuration (or atleast the documentation) is not correct