I know that to get current route's name I would need use do Router.current().route.getName()
. What if I need to get route's name by given URL (not current URL).
Let's say I have list of URLS
urls = ['/orders', '/clients', '/clients/tJa84ogQ3cvpxMJ7G']
And I have following Iron Router configuration :
Router.route('/orders', {name: 'ordersList'});
Router.route('/clients', {name: 'clientsList'});
Router.route('/clients/:_id', {
name: 'clientPage',
data: function() {
return Clients.findOne(this.params._id);
How from urls list I could get list of route names?
So, from a list of URL, get the list of all matching routes?
var urls = ['/path1', '/path2/subpath', ...];
var matchingRoutes = _.filter(Router.routes, function(route) {
return _.contain(urls, route.path);
If you want the route names specifically:
var matchingRoutesNames = _.pluck(matchingRoutes, 'name');
However, this will not work for a URL with set parameters like '/clients/tJa84ogQ3cvpxMJ7G'
in your example, since the corresponding path is not the same. Here, it would be /clients/:clientId
You could maybe make it work with some Regex black magic and careful splitting of the URL, but it would get complicated.