I'm trying to set up Mina for deploying my Rails app. Unfortunately, when running mina setup
or mina deploy
, I get to the password prompt, and then nothing happens anymore.
I can manually ssh with the given user and password, so this shouldn't be a problem. But I have no idea, where mina's stuck:
josh@macbuech:~/Documents/Work/MuheimWebdesign/base (features/deployment *)$ mina deploy --verbose
[email protected]'s password:
-----> Mina: SIGINT received.
Elapsed time: 61.00 seconds
Interestingly, yesterday it was suddenly able to connect (one of a dozen retries worded, I guess):
josh@macbuech:~/Documents/Work/MuheimWebdesign/base (features/deployment *)$ mina deploy --verbose
[email protected]'s password:
stdin: is not a tty
jailshell: line 3: cd: /var/www/base.josh.ch: No such file or directory
! ERROR: not set up.
The path '/var/www/base.josh.ch' is not accessible on the server.
You may need to run 'mina setup' first.
! Command failed.
Failed with status 15
Then, I couldn't connect to my server anymore (neither by using mina nor plain ssh). I had to call support, and they did something that re-enabled ssh for me. Mina still doesn't work.
In config/deploy.rb
, I only added set :user ...
and changed :domain
, :deploy_to
and :repository
set :domain, 'josh.ch'
set :user, 'base'
set :deploy_to, "/var/www/base.josh.ch"
set :repository, 'git://jmuheim/base'
set :branch, 'master'
Any idea? I'd rather not switch back to Capistrano... Thank you.
This is an old question but this is for any future Googlers that stumble across this. I had the issue described in the question, mina hanging after password entry. Looking around in the issues section of the mina git repo lead me to the fix, albeit a silly one.
In your deploy.rb file put this setting:
set :term_mode, nil