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Pandas - Writing an excel file containing unicode - IllegalCharacterError

I have the following code:

import pandas as pd

x = [u'string with some unicode: \x16']
df = pd.DataFrame(x)

If I try to write this dataframe as an excel file:


Or, if I try to write this dataframe as an excel file, with utf-8 encoding:

ew = pd.ExcelWriter('test.xlsx',options={'encoding':'utf-8'})

I get the following error:

IllegalCharacterError                     Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-4-62adec25ae8d> in <module>()
      1 ew = pd.ExcelWriter('test.xlsx',options={'encoding':'utf-8'})
      2 #df.to_excel("test.xlsx")
----> 3 df.to_excel(ew)

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pandas/util/decorators.pyc in wrapper(*args, **kwargs)
     86                 else:
     87                     kwargs[new_arg_name] = new_arg_value
---> 88             return func(*args, **kwargs)
     89         return wrapper
     90     return _deprecate_kwarg

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pandas/core/frame.pyc in to_excel(self, excel_writer, sheet_name, na_rep, float_format, columns, header, index, index_label, startrow, startcol, engine, merge_cells, encoding, inf_rep)
   1258         formatted_cells = formatter.get_formatted_cells()
   1259         excel_writer.write_cells(formatted_cells, sheet_name,
-> 1260                                  startrow=startrow, startcol=startcol)
   1261         if need_save:

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pandas/io/excel.pyc in write_cells(self, cells, sheet_name, startrow, startcol)
    679             colletter = get_column_letter(startcol + cell.col + 1)
    680             xcell = wks.cell("%s%s" % (colletter, startrow + cell.row + 1))
--> 681             xcell.value = _conv_value(cell.val)
    682             style_kwargs = {}

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/openpyxl/cell/cell.pyc in value(self, value)
    360     def value(self, value):
    361         """Set the value and infer type and display options."""
--> 362         self._bind_value(value)
    364     @property

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/openpyxl/cell/cell.pyc in _bind_value(self, value)
    269             elif self.guess_types:
    270                 value = self._infer_value(value)
--> 271         self.set_explicit_value(value, self.data_type)

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/openpyxl/cell/cell.pyc in set_explicit_value(self, value, data_type)
    235             raise ValueError('Invalid data type: %s' % data_type)
    236         if isinstance(value, STRING_TYPES):
--> 237             value = self.check_string(value)
    238         self._value = value
    239         self.data_type = data_type

/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/openpyxl/cell/cell.pyc in check_string(self, value)
    220         value = value[:32767]
    221         if next(ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS_RE.finditer(value), None):
--> 222             raise IllegalCharacterError
    223         return value


How can I write a pandas dataframe containing unicode to an excel file?


  • Not a Unicode issue as such... \x16 (or in Unicode strings \u0016 refers to the same character) is ASCII control code 22 (SYN). Pandas says it's invalid to have control codes (other than tab and newlines) in an Excel file, and though I don't know much about Excel files it would certainly be impossible to include them in an XML 1.0 file, which is what's inside a xlsx.

    So most likely there is no way to include arbitrary character sequences (with control codes) in an Excel. You should filter them out before writing, or if you really need to preserve the original data use some form of ad hoc encoding recognised only by your application.