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.NET TreeView causes application to crash when trying to check Parent node

I have a TreeView with check boxes, and when a user checks a child node, I want to go up the tree and check each parent. However, for some reason my application blows up whenever I touch the parent node. For the nodes in my tree, I've extended TreeNode to create my own objects with some data that I need to store in them, but I still reference them as TreeNodes when checking/unchecking. My code looks like this:

//checkBox checked event handler
    if (node.Parent != null)

private void checkAllParents(TreeNode node)
    node.Checked = true;
    if (node.Parent != null)


  • Ok, figured it out. It wasn't a circular reference but it was most certainly circular in nature. This was a big dumb mistake on my the event handler I was using recursion to check DOWN the tree as well...I implemented this a while ago and didn't really think about it, so when I added another piece of recursion to check up the tree I ended up with an infinite loop between the recursion function and the event handler (which was getting called every time the recursive function checked one of the nodes..the After_checked event). Bah.