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How do I check enum property when the property is obtained from dynamic in C#?

Suppose I know that property Color of an object returns an enumeration that looks like this one:

enum ColorEnum {

and I want to check that a specific object of unknown type (that I know has Color property) has Color set to Red. This is what I would do if I knew the object type:

ObjectType thatObject = obtainThatObject();
if( thatObject.Color == ColorEnum.Red ) {

The problem is I don't have a reference to the assembly with ColorEnum and don't know the object type.

So instead I have the following setup:

dynamic thatObject = obtainThatObject();

and I cannot cast because I don't know the object type (and the enum type). How should I check the Color?

if( thatObject.Color.ToString() == "Red" ) {

does work but it looks like the worst examples of cargo cult code I've seen in "The Daily WTF".

How do I do the check properly?


  • In the side assembly:

    enum ColorEnum

    We know that Red exists, but nothing about other colors. So we redefine the enum in our assembly with known values only.

    enum KnownColorEnum // in your assembly

    Therefore we can perform parsing:

    public static KnownColorEnum? GetKnownColor(object value)
        KnownColorEnum color;
        if (value != null && Enum.TryParse<KnownColorEnum>(value.ToString(), out color))
        { return color; }
        return null;


    // thatObject.Color == ColorEnum.Red
    // or
    // thatObject.Color == "Red"
    if (GetKnowColor(thatObject.Color) == KnownColorEnum.Red) // true
    { }
    // thatObject.Color == ColorEnum.Blue
    if (GetKnowColor(thatObject.Color) == KnownColorEnum.Red) // false
    { }