Given this linqpad code:
interface I {}
public class A : I {}
public class B : A {}
void Main()
var i = new List<I>(new I[] { new A(), new B(), new A(), new B() });
i.GroupBy(_ => _.GetType()).Select(_ => _.ToArray()).Dump();
What is the most efficient way to convert these items into IEnumerables
of the actual derived types?
I have a method with signature DoStuffToArray<T>(IEnumerable<T> items)
I need to call it dynamically once for each of different types in the list i
. It's a library method that needs to be called with the derived types, not the interface.
I have managed to get two typed arrays using this method, is there a better way?
var typeGroup = i.GroupBy(_ => _.GetType()).ToArray();
var arrays = typeGroup.Select(_ => Array.CreateInstance(_.Key, _.Count())).ToArray();
for (int ai = 0; ai < typeGroup.Length; ai++)
var grouping = typeGroup[ai].ToArray();
int index = 0;
Array.ForEach(grouping, _ => arrays[ai].SetValue(_, index++));
arrays.Dump("typed arrays");
You are looking for OfType<T>()
var i = new List<I>(new I[] { new A(), new B(), new A(), new B() });
var ayes = i.OfType<A>();
var bees = i.OfType<B>();
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