I use se37 to test the FM CSAP_MAT_BOM_READ
and just put in a material number and mark the field BOM_USAGE with a "X".
After excecuting it, I get the following runtime error:
Error in the ABAP Application Program
The current ABAP program "CSAP_MAT_BOM_READ=============FT" had to be terminated because it has come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed. In include "LCSAPU17", in line 81 of program "SAPLCSAP", the following syntax errors have occurred: In PERFORM or CALL FUNCTION "CONVERT_MATNR_TO_INTERN_FORMAT", the actual parameter "MATERIAL" is incompatible with the formal parameter "I_MATNR".
Author and last person to change the include are: Author SAP Last changed by "SAP "
The following syntax error has occurred in program SAPLCSAP:
In PERFORM or CALL FUNCTION "CONVERT_MATNR_TO_INTERN_FORMAT", the actual parameter "MATERIAL" is incompatible with the formal parameter "I_MATNR".
" "
Can anyone tell me whats wrong here?
Thanks and Regards
Problem solved.
Note 1940837 was installed to our SAP System.