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How do I add totals/subtotals to a set of results without grouping the row data?

I'm constructing a SQL query for a business report. I need to have both subtotals (grouped by file number) and grand totals on the report.

I'm entering unknown SQL territory, so this is a bit of a first attempt. The query I made is almost working. The only problem is that the entries are being grouped -- I need them separated in the report.

Here is my sample data:

FileNumber        Date   Cost   Charge
         3   Dec 22/09      5       10
         3   Jan 13/10      6       15
        3B   Mar 28/10      1        3
        3B   Mar 28/10      5       10

When I run this query

        WHEN (GROUPING(FileNumber) = 1) THEN NULL
        ELSE FileNumber
    END AS FileNumber,
        WHEN (GROUPING(Date) = 1) THEN NULL
        ELSE Date
    END AS Date,
    SUM(Cost) AS Cost,
    SUM(Charge) AS Charge

    FROM SubtotalTesting
    GROUP BY FileNumber, Date WITH ROLLUP
        (CASE WHEN FileNumber IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), -- Put NULLs after data
        (CASE WHEN Date IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), -- Put NULLs after data

I get the following:

FileNumber        Date  Cost  Charge
         3   Dec 22/09     5      10
         3   Jan 13/10     6      15
         3        NULL    11      25
        3B   Mar 28/10     6      13 <--
        3B        NULL     6      13
      NULL        NULL    17      38

What I want is:

FileNumber        Date  Cost  Charge
         3   Dec 22/09     5      10
         3   Jan 13/10     6      15
         3        NULL    11      25
        3B   Mar 28/10     1       3 <--
        3B   Mar 28/10     5      10 <--
        3B        NULL     6      13
      NULL        NULL    17      38

I can clearly see why the entries are being grouped, but I have no idea how to separate them while still returning the subtotals and grand total.

I'm a bit green when it comes to doing advanced SQL queries like this, so if I'm taking the wrong approach to the problem by using WITH ROLLUP, please suggest some preferred alternatives -- you don't have to write the whole query for me, I just need some direction. Thanks!


  • WITH    SubtotalTesting (FileNumber, Date, Cost, Charge) AS
            SELECT  '3', CAST('2009-22-12' AS DATETIME), 5, 10
            UNION ALL
            SELECT  '3', '2010-13-06', 6, 15
            UNION ALL
            SELECT  '3B', '2010-28-03', 1, 3
            UNION ALL
            SELECT  '3B', '2010-28-03', 5, 10
            q AS (
            SELECT  *,
                    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY filenumber) AS rn
            FROM    SubTotalTesting
    SELECT  rn,
                    WHEN (GROUPING(FileNumber) = 1) THEN NULL
                    ELSE FileNumber
            END AS FileNumber,
                    WHEN (GROUPING(Date) = 1) THEN NULL
                    ELSE Date
            END AS Date,
            SUM(Cost) AS Cost,
            SUM(Charge) AS Charge
    FROM    q
            FileNumber, Date, rn WITH ROLLUP
            (CASE WHEN FileNumber IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END),
            (CASE WHEN Date IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END),