I have been running into this issue with a coldfusion site I am trying to migrate to my hosting plan. I keep seeing this when I bring up the index file:
Bad File Exception
Request /index.cfm
Type Template
Message Expression Error
Position Line=166; Column=25
Detail Problem occurred while parsing: count++
Extended Info Encountered "<EOF>". Was expecting one of:
<FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL> ... "-" ... "+" ... "#" ... "(" ...
Source 163: </li>
164: </ul><!--end social-->
165: </section><!--end column-->
166: <cfset count++> <-- that is where the error happens
167: </cfoutput>
^ Snippet from underlying CFML source enter code here
BlueDragon Time @ Server: 04:29:08.223 Tuesday, 3 March 2015
I really do not know what is wrong so if someone could please help me that would be awesome. Any suggestions would be great at this point. Thank you!
<cfset count++>
Above syntax may not be valid in BlueDragon. You can change it to more generic, which is supported by all major CFML engines.
<cfset count = count+1>