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How to track my flash video player embed on other sites


  • an online tv channel with "youtube" like clips and categories
  • our own flash video player which can be embeded into other remote sites
  • as2 flash player

Goal: To track who's embedding my videos, at least with basic statistics per domain.

Since it's AS2, it's harder to do this. My idea is that I can create a PHP page which should be opened each time the player loads on any website; then the flash player can do a "geturl" of the PHP file which has Google Analytics code or some other decent tracker.

The geturl command could contain a variable like the Video Title which already is included in the player; and this title would pass on with GET to the PHP file and setup a dynamic page title which can be tracked very well.

Problem: how to I use the GETURL function without having user's browser open a new tab or window. Is there any hidden way to do it?


  • The main problem I found is that control over the external information can only exist if there is allowScriptAccess in the html embed code of the , like this:

    <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always">



    In the tag.

    This is a bit late for me since I can't tell everyone who embeds my player to add those lines to their site, but from now on... Anyway, someone who wants to hide can easily just delete the lines. So I renamed the SWF file ... and now everyone who does the remote embed has to check back and get the new code.

    Here's the AS2 code that worked:

    function geturlhttp() {
    //urlPath ="window.location.href.toString");
    urlPath ="eval","document.location.href");
    //both work, try which one is bet
    var lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
    lv.var1 = urlPath;
    lv.var2 = title; //an internal variable, the name of the file

    So the tracking only works on my own site, not the external remote embedding sites which come up empty or "null" in sql.

    And here's the PHP code I made with SQL. I've only made something for the insertion and I'm going to work on display and selection later...

    //POST needs to be secured, this is just a test :)
    $url = $_POST['var1'];
    $title = $_POST['var2'];
    $dbhost = ""; // almost always localhost.
    $dbname = "x";   // Database Name, In our case, its news
    $dbuser = "x"; // Database Username
    $dbpass = "x"; // Databse Password
    $connect = mysql_connect("$dbhost","$dbuser","$dbpass");// Connecting to Database
    mysql_select_db($dbname) or die (mysql_error()); // Selecting Database
    $sql= "INSERT INTO tablename (urlrow, titlerow) VALUES ('$url','$title')";
    $result = mysql_query($sql);