My Centos 7 has rbenv located in /root/.rbenv
, but when I run cap production deploy:setup_config
it searches rbenv inside /usr/local/rbenv
Error Message
DEBUG [6a1407a4] Running /usr/bin/env [ -d /usr/local/rbenv/versions/2.2.0 ] as root@
DEBUG [6a1407a4] Command: [ -d /usr/local/rbenv/versions/2.2.0 ]
DEBUG [6a1407a4] Finished in 6.403 seconds with exit status 1 (failed).
ERROR rbenv: 2.2.0 is not installed or not found in /usr/local/rbenv/versions/2.2.0
# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc
export PATH
export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"
eval "$(rbenv init -)"
# Use Capistrano for deployment
group :development do
gem 'capistrano-rails'
gem 'capistrano-bundler'
gem 'capistrano-rbenv', github: "capistrano/rbenv"
require 'capistrano/setup'
require 'capistrano/deploy'
require 'capistrano/rbenv'
require 'capistrano/bundler'
require 'capistrano/rails/assets'
require 'capistrano/rails/migrations'
Dir.glob('lib/capistrano/tasks/*.cap').each { |r| import r }
Dir.glob('lib/capistrano/*/*.rb').each { |r| import r }
Is rbenv supposed to be inside /usr/local/
? Is something wrong in the configuration of the Capistrano? I've searched inside deploy.rb and the tasks inside lib/capistrano/*
, but I found no reference of /usr/local/
My references of the Capistrano setup are from this git.
Your problem in this line. You should specify :user
value for rbenv_type
variable because you have installed rbenv to user directory.