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TodoMVC with ember, id does not increment

I am following the getting started guide from emberjs, and am at the point where I can add todos. My problem is though that when I add a todo it has an id value of null - is there a practical way to auto increment this?

var TodosController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
actions: {
    createTodo: function() {
        var title = this.get('newTitle');
        if (!title.trim()) {

        var todo ='todo', {
            title: title,
            isCompleted: false

        this.set('newTitle', '');;



  • When you call you have an "option" to have an id autogenerated (see here) Ultimately though, that responsibility is delegated to an adapter. If your adapter has generateIdForRecord() method - this will be used to create an id. So, for example, FixtureAdapter implements this method as follows (see here):

    generateIdForRecord: function(store) {
      return "fixture-" + counter++;

    ember-data uses RestAdapter by default (see here), so you would need to add the method for the id to be generated on the client...