I have a derived class that's a very thin wrapper around a base class. Basically, I have a class that has two ways that it can be compared depending on how you interpret it so I created a new class that derives from the base class and only has new constructors (that just delegate to the base class) and a new operator==
. What I'd like to do is overload the operator Base&()
in the Derived class so in cases where I need to interpret it as the Base.
For example:
class Base
Base(const Base& that);
bool operator==(Base& rhs); //typical equality test
class Derived : public Base
Derived(stuff) : Base(stuff) {};
Derived(const Base& that) : Base(that) {};
Derived(const Derived& that) : Base(that) {};
bool operator==(Derived& rhs); //special case equality test
operator Base&()
return (Base&)*this; //Is this OK? It seems wrong to me.
If you want a simple example of what I'm trying to do, pretend I had a String class and String==String
is the typical character by character comparison. But I created a new class CaseInsensitiveString
that did a case insensitive compare on CaseInsensitiveString==CaseInsensitiveString
but in all other cases just behaved like a String. it doesn't even have any new data members, just an overloaded operator==
. (Please, don't tell me to use std::string, this is just an example!)
Am I going about this right? Something seems fishy, but I can't put my finger on it.
Since your Derived
is derived from Base
publically, your Derived
is already convertible to Base &
. There's no need to implement anything extra.
Moreover, when it comes to conversion operator itself, whether you are doing it right or wrong is a moot question, since your conversion operator will never be used anyway. The derived-to-base conversion is always handled by the built-in means. If you provide your own operator for the conversion (as you do above) it will be ignored anyway.
I don't get though how you were planning to use if to solve the original problem with different comparison approaches.