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How to get IE11, IE10, and IE9 to run their respective versions

I have a website where a lot of users might have compatibility mode engaged, and that's causing me all sorts of problems with Angular and other various things. I can fix it if I can somehow get IE 9, IE 10, and IE 11 to run their versions. I don't want to use Edge as this is a production site, I want to keep control over things as much as possible. Which is the way to go here?

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=11,IE=10,IE=9" />


<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9,IE=10,IE=11" />



  • As per MSDN documentation,

    The values of the content attribute are read left to right; Internet Explorer uses the highest supported value. If a webpage specifies a document compatibility mode that isn't supported by the version of Internet Explorer used to view the webpage, the webpage uses the highest version of standard mode supported by the browser

    But please take note that IE supports more than one requested document mode. You have to make an guess-timate (if stats are not available) of what versions of IE your users have out there and make that your basis of what document compatibilities to use