I'm writing a yeoman generator.
I need to run some shell script after all files copied.
The generator is being called as a child generator so it should wait till script finished.
The script is some command file being run via spawn
As the script depends on files created by the generator it cannot run right inside generator's methods as all copy/template action are async and have not executed yet:
MyGenerator.prototype.serverApp = function serverApp() {
if (this.useLocalDb) {
this.copy('App_Data/createdb.cmd', 'App_Data/createdb.cmd');
// here I cannot run spawn with createdb.cmd as it doesn't exist
So the only place I found where I can run spawn is the 'end' event handler:
var MyGenerator = module.exports = function MyGenerator (args, options, config) {
this.on('end', function () {
if (that.useLocalDb) {
The script runs successfully but the generator finishes earlier than the child process. I need to tell Yeoman to wait for my child process. Something like this:
this.on('end', function (done) {
.on('close', function () {
But 'end' handler doesn't have the argument with 'dine' callback.
How to do this?
thanks to @SimonBoudrias I got it working.
The full working code is below.
BTW: end
method is described in the docs
var MyGenerator = module.exports = yeoman.generators.Base.extend({
constructor: function (args, options, config) {
yeoman.generators.Base.apply(this, arguments);
this.appName = this.options.appName;
prompting : function () {
// asking user
writing : function () {
// copying files
end: function () {
var that = this;
if (this.useLocalDb) {
var done = this.async();
this.spawnCommand('createdb.cmd').on('close', function () {
} else {
_sayGoodbay: funciton () {
// final words to user
Never trigger any action in the end
event. This event is to be used by implementors, not generator themselves.
In your case:
module.exports = generators.Base({
end: function () {
var done = this.async();
this.spawnCommand('createdb.cmd').on('close', done);