As a result of a change request I need to implement the correct ORM for my Grails application.
I currently have the following simple models and associations:
static hasMany = [fees:Fee]
static belongsTo = [agent:Agent]
However, now I need to implement the ability for a single Fee to be split amongst Agents. I ended up with the following:
Potential new models associations
static hasMany = [agentfees:AgentFee]
no associations ??
static belongsTo = [fee:Fee]
In my mind an AgentFee would contain:
So my question is. Should I also have an association between Agents and AgentFees i.e. something like:
static hasMany = [agentfees:AgentFee]
static hasMany = [agentfees:AgentFee]
static belongsTo = [fee:Fee]
static belongsTo = [agent:Agent]
But this just feels wrong with the multiple belongsTo in AgentFee. What is the best way to implement the notion of "Fee Splits" using GORM?
Thanks in advance,
It sounds like you are changing the relationship to a many-to-many. Here is the documentation for that:
A many-to-many relationship needs a joining table at the DB level. However, you most likely don't need a domain for your joining table i.e. you don't need AgentFee. GORM will know to use a joining table.
The only time you need a domain object for your joining table is if the joining table has additional columns beyond the ones needed to facilitate the many-to-many relationship. In this case you would create a domain for the joining table and then create two one-to-many relationships, one in each direction.