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XSL: Dead or not dead

I'm currently taking on a new project at home. In this project I'm going to be generating HTML emails. For this purpose, I believe XSL to be a good candidate.

However, I have heard people say that XSL is a dead language, and if it's not that it is on it's way out. In fact, MS has been very leary to support XSL 2.0.

Personally I feel that any time you are going from text to text, it is a great tool. Such as:

  1. Generating HTML e-mails
  2. Creating Open Office Docs
  3. Generating another XML doc

What are your thoughts? Is it dead, or is it still a viable, usefull tool?


  • XSLT has proven itself to be both a powerful and adaptable language, but now we can also choose XQuery. XSLT 2.0, XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 are just the same query language dressed up in different forms. Learning one means that you can easily master the others.