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Ping to home computer results in 'Request Timed Out', although computer is connected & online

I've assigned a static IP address to my computer. From my computer, when I browse to WhatIsMyIP, I can check my IP & verify that it hasn't changed.

Now, when I ping my computer from another network, most of the times, everything is fine & I get responses; but occasionally I get 'Request Timed Out' messages (4 out of 4 attempts on:

CMD> ping <IP>

will result in the request timing out).

So far, I have not been able to identify why sometimes it works, but times out at other times. At the times it has timed out, I've used TeamViewer to connect to my computer & check WhatIsMyIP to verify that it's the same. So I know it's connected & online & everything is accessible from the computer atleast.

Normally this would not be a problem, but I'm trying to host a small website form my computer & for the most part, its online, but now & then it goes offline - even though the host computer is up & running with no change in it's IP address.

I'm on Google Fiber, if that helps. Also, under the Advanced Settings', I have reserved an IP address ( for my computer so I know that will not change. And as I've mentioned my outward facing IP has been made static so I know that is always the same.

Another thing to mention, I have never faced any problems when browsing, gaming online (No disconnects or time-outs or anything)

I would like some insight as to how this can be resolved or at the very least, if the root cause can be identified.


  • So the problem turned out to be multiple Port Forwarding rules. I had two rules set up, one was setup to use 'Any' service & the other was setup to use only the HTTP - Port 80. I removed the 'Any' service & it's been working fine just since - I assume there was a Port Forwarding Rule conflict.