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Display user notifications in User dashboard in oxwall

I am customizing Oxwall notification plugin.

I am using Oxwall 1.7.0

I am trying to display notifications in User's dashboard page.

Currently the notification showing in top right bar with name as "Notifications".

I found out which file is responsible for displaying the content.


I commented the below code in this file to hide the notification from top right bar.

public function collectItems( BASE_CLASS_ConsoleItemCollector $event )
   if ( !OW::getUser()->isAuthenticated() )
   /* Commented this code to hide the notification. 
   $item = new NOTIFICATIONS_CMP_ConsoleItem(); 
   $event->addItem($item, 3);

But when we call the component in user's dashboard using the below code, It gives me error.

$widgetService = BOL_ComponentAdminService::getInstance();
$widget = $widgetService->addWidget('NOTIFICATIONS_CMP_ConsoleItem', false);
$widgetPlace = $widgetService->addWidgetToPlace($widget, BOL_ComponentService::PLACE_DASHBOARD);
$widgetService->addWidgetToPosition($widgetPlace, BOL_ComponentService::SECTION_LEFT);

Error Screenshot:Component Error

How to display the notifications in user-dashboard?


  • To display user's notification in user's dashboard page, follow the below code in Widget's construct.

    $this->service = NOTIFICATIONS_BOL_Service::getInstance();
    $userid = OW::getUser()->getId();
    $allNotificationCount = $this->service->findNotificationCount($userid); // Get the notifications of currently logged in user
    $notifications = $this->service->findNotificationList($userid, time(), null, $allNotificationCount);
    $notify_array = array();
    foreach ( $notifications as $notification )
        if(( $notification->entityType == "groups_wal" && $notification->entityId==$groupid ) || ( $notification->entityType == "status_comment" ) )
            $itemEvent = new OW_Event('notifications.on_item_render', array(
                        'key' => 'notification_' . $notification->id,
                        'entityType' => $notification->entityType,
                        'entityId' => $notification->entityId,
                        'pluginKey' => $notification->pluginKey,
                        'userId' => $notification->userId,
                        'viewed' => (bool) $notification->viewed,
                        'data' => $notification->getData()
                    ), $notification->getData());
            $notify_array[$i] = $itemEvent->getData();
            if ( empty($item) )
    $this->assign('item', $notify_array);

    On Oxwall widget's view, add the below code

    {if !empty($item)}
    <div class="ow_dashboard_content">
    {foreach from=$item key='key' item='v'}
        <div class="ow_content">No Items</div>
    <div class="clearfix"></div>