I have an nginx docker container and a webapp container successfully running and talking to eachother.
The nginx container listens on port 80, and uses proxy_pass to direct traffic to the IP of the webapp container.
upstream app_humansio {
server humansio:8080 max_fails=3 fail_timeout=30s;
"humansio" is set in the /etc/hosts
file by docker because I've started nginx with --link humansio:humansio
. The webapp container (humansio) is always exposing 8080.
The problem is, when I reload the webapp container, the link to the nginx container breaks and I need to restart that as well. Is there any way I can do this differently so I don't need to restart the nginx container when the webapp container reloads?
I've tried to do something like connecting them manually by using a common port (8001 on both), but since they actually reserve that port, the 2nd container cannot use it as well.
I prefer to run the proxy (nginx of haproxy) directly on the host for this reason.
But an option is to "Link via an Ambassador Container" https://docs.docker.com/articles/ambassador_pattern_linking/