I have two models "projectaim" and "tender", relation:
class Projectaim < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :tenders
... almost standard controllers
... and views:
lets say that master object @projectaim
is already created.
On its edit view edit.html.erb I have to make a link to create subordinate @tender
on separate form:
<% @tender.projectaim_id = @projectaim.id %>
<%=link_to "Add new tender", new_tender_path(@tender)%>
Could you please advise me how to parametrize new tender action (or view) to hold relation based on models? Technically I need to fill tender.projectaim_id item in new tender action? Thanks to all.
You should probably use nested resources in this case.
Your routes file would look something like this
resources :projectaims do
resources :tenders
and you would make a link like this
<%=link_to "Add new tender", new_projectaim_tender_path(@projectaim, @tender)%>
Inside your controller you will now have params[:projectaim_id] in addition to params[:id].